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Benchmark Comparison Service – what are they how it helps you?

Understanding the Benchmark Price Comparison Service

Benchmarks are a price comparison service we offer for businesses who wish to compare their current fuel card pricing against our fuel pricing.  This is a free service for businesses whose monthly fuel bill is $2,500 or more.

The No-Obligation Approach to Benchmark Your Fuel Costs

There is no obligation to sign up with NZ Fuel Cards when requesting a benchmark.  Our expectation is that we can offer you a better price, and you then decide if you want to take up our offer or not.  Worst case, you confirm you are getting a good price from your current provider, and it cost you nothing to find out.

How to Request a Benchmark Comparison for Your Fuel Card

To request a Benchmark comparison on your current fuel card account:

  • Confirm your current monthly spend is $2,500 or more.
  • Send through a copy of your most recent fuel invoice to [email protected].
  • Ask for a “Benchmark Comparison” to be done.
  • That’s it!

Timely and Detailed Benchmark Comparisons

We will endeavour to get the results of the comparison back to you within 7-10 working days.  We take time to check each transaction you’ve made and compare at the same service station or truck stop versus our prices at those same locations or nearby.

Requesting a Benchmark

Email [email protected] with a copy of your most recent fuel invoice and request a fuel Benchmark.  It’s that easy!

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